Dupa concertul de sambata seara, de cate ori ascult Nightwish in componenta originala (ceea ce se intampla de multe ori pe zi) imi vine sa oftez.
Comparati si voi clipul acesta cu cel din postul anterior...
PS1: Mai ma inveselesc incercand sa mi-o imaginez pe Anette cantand piesa aceasta. Pentru binele ei sper sa nu-i treaca vreodata asa ceva prin cap. :D
PS2: ceva totusi s-a pastrat: Tuomas, muzica si versurile sale:
All those beautiful people
I want to have them
I want to have them all
All those porcelain models
If only I could make them fall
Be my heart a well of love
Flowing free so far above
A wintry eve
Once upon a tale
An Ugly Duckling
Lost in a verse
Of a sparrows carol
Dreaming the stars
Be my heart a well of love
Flowing free so far above
In my world
Love is for poets
Never the famous balcony scene
Just a dying faith
On the heaven's gate
Crystal pond awaits the lorn
Tonight another morn for the lonely one is born
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